Cover illustration: “Backstage” from the series Ghost Light Theaters by Rachel Phillips
First came the theoretical situation of fallback within adult development theory. Now you are invited to step into the ghost light yourself in exploration of the fullness of you.
Step into the light.

“In my own life, and in my work with senior leaders in organizations all over the world, I have found that it can change our lives to get curious about our fallback and about the characters that storm the stage when we are losing ourselves. Not only to understand that there are ways we fall out of our highest capacities, not only to attempt to be gracious with that occasional fall—but to see why we are falling and how that fall is not just a misery but a gift.”
— Jennifer Garvey Berger, EdD, from the foreword of “Leaving the Ghost Light Burning”
Founder and CEO of Cultivating Leadership, Co-author of Unleash Your Complexity Genius: Growing your Inner Capacity to Lead and Simple Habits for Complex Times, and Author of Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps and Changing on the Job