After the Rain
Witnessing the Shedding of Me Valerie Livesay Witnessing the Shedding of Me Valerie Livesay

After the Rain

It’s Spring Break for the kiddos. And, it’s been raining all week.  Rain is hardly ever a welcome meteorologic phenomenon in my world.  It’s become even less-so during this time of lockdown.  We have so very few options for respite from the walls that surround us, from each other, from the staid repetition of our Groundhog Days.  Yet, the melancholy that accompanies the rain is not a phenomenon isolated within this time of pandemic.  Not for me at least.  This week’s deluge took me back to this time almost a year ago. A time of uncertainty tinged with hope.  I wrote then…

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Signs that don’t wear signs
Fallback, Witnessing the Shedding of Me Valerie Livesay Fallback, Witnessing the Shedding of Me Valerie Livesay

Signs that don’t wear signs

Four months ago, I began to fiercely protect the sanctuary of my being space. Yes, it was 9 months ago that I left my job to set out on this path to being. But for the first 2 months, I was spending the summer with my kids. Then, what being looked like to me was being in the company of others…friends who are also colleagues in the field of adult development. We’re an international crew, so this takes a virtual form most of the time. My calendar was filled with zoom video chats. My husband would say I was the busiest non-working person he knew.

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