Grown-Ass Woman Meltdown #1
Fallback Valerie Livesay Fallback Valerie Livesay

Grown-Ass Woman Meltdown #1

So far, the musings on this website have been largely absent the fallback episodes that pepper my days.  Lest you think it’s because I’m sailing through my newfound roles and newfound co-habitating-while-co-working waters at a graceful and efficient clip, allow me to disabuse you of that notion.  Let me assure you that there have been many “I need a moment” proclamations followed by intentional deep breathing to allow me to recover and return to my day without losing my shit – inwardly and outwardly.  In fact, it’s probably because my fallback occurs many times a day in many micro forms, that I haven’t tended to write about them. After all, I am in the midst of learning-while-doing my new full-time job homeschooling a kindergartener and a fourth grader. It’s hard to find the time to document all the small episodes during which I don’t show up my Big Self.  Both, because the time is scarce and the fallbacks are plenty.

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